The NEW Home for everything Masters of Mini is now
http:// https://www.vroomsmasterofmini.com/?sfnsn=mo<The NEW Home for everything Masters of Mini is now
http:// https://www.vroomsmasterofmini.com/?sfnsn=mo<Masters of Mini Class Breakdown
Your Masters of Mini Classes
Yoots...................ages 13-17, 8", 10", 12" or 14" rear wheel
College Boy............ages 18-24, 8", 10", 12" or 14" rear wheel
Middle Age.............ages 25-34, 8", 10", 12" or 14" rear wheel
Seniors.................ages 35+, 8", 10", 12" or 14" rear wheel
Fat Boy.................anyone 185lbs +, 8", 10", 12" or 14" rear wheel
Modified...............49- 89cc, all mods, 8", 10" or 12" rear wheel
Kamikaze..............49- 135cc, some mods, 8"", 10", or 12" rear wheel
Women.................Think about it!, 8", 10", 12" or 14" rear wheel
Unlimited..............135cc+, 8", 10", 12", 14" or 16" rear wheel
Rockstar................all mods, 8", 10", or 12" rear wheel
Playbike................Maximum 155cc, up to 16"" rear wheel
Poor Boy...............BONE STOCK 49cc, bars, pegs, seat, springs allowed
.........................8" or 10" rear wheel
Limited................BONE STOCK 49-111cc, bars, pegs, seat, springs
.........................allowed, 12"" rear wheel
Battle Royale (with cheese).....88 vs 110, 8", 10", or 12" rear wheel -
.........................this is the LIMITED class vs. the MODIFIED class
.........................(same rules apply)
Super Senior.............Men ages 50+, Women ages 35+,
............................8", 10", 12" or 14" rear wheel
Chunky Monkey..........anyone 220+lbs +, 8", 10", 12" or 14" rear wheel
The classes are designed so that everyone can race a minimum of two classes with one bike. Some race 3 or 4 classes to maximize thier riding time since each additional class is only $10Now we have designed it so certain "disadvantaged groups" can be competitive in 2 classes (you are welcome...):
On a Budget? (stock 110 - STOCK PIPE)
You can run Limited and Battle Royale
On the hefty side? (Large Mammal over 220lbs)
You can run Chunky Monkey and Fat Boy
On the edlerly side? (you are 50+ and old AF)
You can run Senior and Super Senior
Female racing with her kids/husband/etc? (you are 35+ and Fabulous AF)
You can run Women and Super Senior
Some classes will be double gated to save time, but will be scored separately.
AGAIN - Anyone who qualifies for Super Senior may ALSO race Senior. Anyone who qualifies for Chunkey Monkey may ALSO race Fat Boy. We did this as a courtesy so that old farts and large mammals alike feel they can be competitive in their class choices. You Are Welcome!
Questions, Feedback, General Inquiry? Email: davo@stimilon.com
Click here to see individual class rules